About Me
- RealLifeSituations
- CHICAGO, IL, United States
- I am on this quest to make the most of my life.
Friday, October 9, 2009
i hate you so much right now.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I don't have any use for fluffiness. I abhor blind complacency and people who don't want to discuss what needs to be discussed for fear they will hurt someone's feelings. I argue that if you're thinking it you might as well say it. Read my voice.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tried being without you,
On the fence of love I was,
convincing myself, doubting you
The more I strayed, I became scared
Now leaping over to co-exist.
You always made me feel comfortable
When the world let me down.
I could cry to you
and no matter how trivial
You would listen and support me
And that is who I wish to be for you
As long as God allows
Forever and now.
You understand me completely
and still love me.
Sharing my compassion for others,
doing what is right, beyond criticism,
or opinion.
Just you,
what a strange notion it always seemed
that in this ominous world
Love settled right on top of us
So many moons ago.
Ten years as partners
Twelve as lovers
and all of them as friends.
Never doubting your motives.
Pure destiny.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Too Far Gone
Too Far Gone
Starting to regret the day
Balance changing, selfish outweighs
Comes with prices I will pay
Don't want to go tit for tat
Really need the old to come back
But we so far gone away from that.
And he can't stand my girls
He says WE live in this world
Refuse to jig, to twirl
And his boys are some the same
Dropping old girlfriends' names
Caught, sought, fucked and came.
Too much side, not enough main.
Too far gone.
Too far gone.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Stephen King's not the only one
Friday, August 21, 2009
So I smile at you, and say 'hi' to you, and offer you the opportunity to talk to me if you need
because if only for a moment in your day
or in your life, I want you to feel good about something, about someone
And so I am often misconstrued,
By some men they see it as an open door
By some women a phony moment
And it is neither
And I will not change
This is me.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I'm Sorry, But No Apologies
What do you see in me?
The woman that inspires
Or the one that seeks to be?
The girl never admired
Or the woman that is too much?
The feelings you've retired
Or the chick you want to touch?
Am I the fanner of the fire
Or there for you in the clutch?
Never fancied myself a liar
but may stretch myself too much.
I've only ever wanted to take you higher
Exert my wisdom muse
My love never retires
Although my love gets used
Not sure what you saw prior
But today is all I know
Yesterday seems not as dire
And not clear 'bout tomorrow
A shame to say this through the wire
Keeping my distance long
It's never been my desire
Although the outcome's wrong.
Hopefully I'm preaching to the choir
And you understand my recluse ways
I'd just hate to be a flier
In your book, an excerpt on a page
I wish not to conspire
Or make you feel I'm false
To exist, I do require
That some people will get lost
Wish there was some life umpire
to make those final calls
But alone I walk this briar
I take the credit and the falls.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
intrinsically art
Stop your ninnying. If you want to be an artist, be one. Create for yourself, and if no one ever sees it, you did. You accomplished it. So write, rap, draw, paint, sculpt, speak, cook, bake....do it to EXpress, not IMpress.
Monday, August 10, 2009
I'm not a fan of cruelty, disrespect or any other form of demeaning individuals. To be perfectly honest, I abhor people who seek out to use or manipulate with the sole intent of furthering his own agenda. We all get used sometimes, it's part of the game, but be careful about your goal purpose. This is my response to what I felt was a negligent proposal for my purpose.
Not for all the digits in the world
Will I do that jig, will I dance that twirl
My beastly pride does indeed not heed
to cease dysfunction and prevent mislead
-nigga please-
I sensed a feeling, then sniffed that breeze
So, here go yo' office, here go yo' keys
Here goes the veins and arteries
Here come nonexistent begs and pleas
I won't trip, but know pride can morph to disease
So we sit in our worlds and refuse to admit
that our beasts so strong, could have joined, could have fit
could have rocked, could have rolled, could have soared this shit
But the pride your beast chose, the group beast picked?
The den they in, don't you smell that stench??
Yo' beast smell loyalty,
My beast smell bitch.
I send mine gone and expect the same
Look up, and I'm circled by the pride, by the gang
Shoulda known, shoulda seen that ain't nothin change
But me....
Back to the wall, my beast begs to come back
Try to waive beast off, tell her don't attack
Don't make that sound! Don't make bones crack!
But my beastly pride does indeed not heed
to cease dysfunction and prevent mislead.
To ensure I'm sane, to prevent my fail
to ensure my triumph, pay any bail
So I fed my beast, I stuffed her well.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
You Can Never Be Certain
The Heart's Tell
Friday, August 7, 2009
Ode To Heels (A Tall Woman's Perspective)
to falsify their goods
to elongate and confuse
to perpetrate a ruse.
I celebrate with you
appreciating your length
we collaborate, that's what we do
feeding off each other's strength.
No disrespect, no hate to you
vertically challenged chicks
but my statuesque build
-with the heels-
have a different intent.
Men’s insecurities will move us
usually with little tact
to put on those flats
put our friends back on the rack.
But heels I adore you
my legs exist for you
my hips swing just right
when we rendezvous.
So today I vow
right here and now
that I will always reach higher
feet not level the ground
that I will never deny you
despite who tends to frown
on our connection
because our affection
when I’m inside you
will never be compressed
by some short person’s view.
Unfathomable really, that as soon as we receive it, we just expect the next one to come without merit, without good deed, as if it belongs to us. Pompous, really. Without consequence, we as humans rarely perceive the validity of an action; however, what greater consequence than an end to life, an abrupt breathlessness, sudden and without warning. Lest it be sorrowfully slow, labored, where we must coexist with the suffering of others and remain tethered there, because only at that moment do we genuinely value breath, when we are faced with its extinction.