About Me

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CHICAGO, IL, United States
I am on this quest to make the most of my life.

Friday, October 9, 2009

i hate you so much right now.

fo-ny pha-kin' i-mage steal-ing wanna-be but not appealing.

leave this to professionals
or at least those somewhat versed on the subject.
didn't figure we'd get here so quickly,
or even ever as a matter of fact
yet i stand here on the cusp
of homicidal achievement
because that is how much you matter right now,
that I would find thrill in the wake of your termination.
how is it
that you've managed to lace yourself
within my exploratory consciousness?
that place where hands lay and necks crack
-not just in theory-
beyond the humanistic concern that I feel for all people
whether I like them or not.

with you, my vices have never been secret, or hidden
i trusted that you would wrap them carefully
and place them in well guarded quarters.
and I hate more than anything
that the only way I would find out
how false you really were
was to now see my enemies
flaunting pieces of them.
you know me,
so surely you have already deduced
that this will go far beyond words on a page
not only will these letters hemorrhage
not only will this ink bleed.

how dare you, contriving parasite?
initially i thought i was bested
but there was never any antagonism,
i thought
i guess the old adage rings true
those who fear you present
will resent you absent
and as much as i know
and all the degrees i hold
i couldn't deduce your callow little existence.

in case you had not realized,
i have no desire to be the bigger person.