About Me

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CHICAGO, IL, United States
I am on this quest to make the most of my life.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

responsibility is to self

God was never some ominous figure looking down on us...watching to judge our missteps and punish us...our karma becomes our jury… our consequences become our verdict…we are Allah when we operate with the underlying Love that is the common cord linking every living thing…we literally are Yahweh when we move in love, compassion, and understanding…we manifest Jehovah when our actions are purest…Love is Who we pray to, to Whom we request our wants…how we let Love use us is up to us…our abundance of It or our lack of It is an individual decision we make at every moment.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

basis of imperfection

The world is not perfect. The world will never be perfect.  Because the nature of man is imperfect, all that we become is imperfect. No, I’m not being cynical, I think it’s important to state that so that we are being realistic in our solutions. 

What do you do well? Our talents extend far beyond the manner in which we use them. We are to be trained in the best utilization of our talents and gifts. We are to be reflective and focused.  We are to enjoy life so that we can express boundless love. We must love ourselves first. We must understand ourselves first. Every second of our existences has meaning.

Surely there is enough work to be done to improve the world’s condition. Surely there must be things you want to improve. Is everything that you are actually what you hope to be?  We must give our energy to those things which will build our ideal selves.

now and ever.

My curiosity about life and the human experience continues to abound.
I overdose on perspective, recovering each time with new eyes of understanding.
My defiance to the status quo - the roles, the boxes that people build for me, has increased exponentially. 
Levels of subservient accommodation are at an all time low. 
I am different. 
My evolution is here. 
My evolution is infinite. 
I am so entirely driven to feel, to create, to love and to achieve happiness. 
I will take nothing less than I legitimately deserve, nor will I take more. 
My expectations are of me and no other. 
In the abstract I value life, I manifest this by valuing each individual. 
I feel like I'm doing this right. 
I really hope so.